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How To Cancel Weight Watchers – What You Need To Know

By Kyle Kapper

Updated Sep 30, 2023

Cancel Weight Watchers

    Weight Watchers is one of the world’s most famous and established comprehensive diet programs used by millions. Known for its legendary point system, Weight Watchers’ allows users to easily track and manage their daily calorie intake and reach their optimal weight.

    5 Reasons to Cancel Your Weight Watchers Membership

    Someone may opt to quit their Weight Watchers membership for a variety of reasons, including:

    1. Goals Met: If a person has reached their target weight or fitness level, they may no longer want to continue using WW.

    2. Time constraints: Busy schedules and other responsibilities may cause some people to discontinue their membership if they are unable to dedicate enough time to the program.

    3. Financial reasons: Some users may find WW to be too expensive and decide to cancel their membership to save money.

    4. Busy schedules: Some people may discontinue their membership if they cannot dedicate adequate time to the program.

    5. Unsatisfied: Some users may find the point system or other elements of the Weight Watchers program not effective, causing them to seek different weight loss methods.

    Ways to Cancel Weight Watchers:

    • Online through the website

    • By submitting a form via email

    • By calling Weight Watchers support

    Cancel Weight Watchers Subscription Online:

    1. Log in to the Weight Watchers website with your username and password.

    2. Click on your profile. Find and click “Cancel My Account.”

    3. Follow the instructions and fill out the cancellation form

    4. Submit the form and check for a confirmation email.

    5. Take a screenshot of the submitted form as proof.

    How to Cancel WW Via Email:

    1. Fill out a cancellation form

    2. Email it to Weight Watchers

    Cancel By Phone:

    1. Call 1-800-651-6000

    2. Next, you will need to enter the following: 4, 5, and then 2 to speak to an agent.

    3. After you are connected to an agent, you will provide your account and billing information.

    4. Write down the cancellation confirmation number.

    4 Great Alternatives to Weight Watchers

    If you need a change or are not satisfied with Weight Watchers. There are several great alternatives to choose from.

    Service (click the link to learn how to cancel)About
    NutrisystemThis popular weight loss plan offers meals and snacks that are pre-portioned, along with custom meal plans and support to help people reach their weight loss goals.
    Jenny CraigThis program provides ready-to-eat meals and one-on-one coaching, focusing on controlling portion sizes, balanced nutrition, and steady, long-lasting weight loss.
    NoomThis mobile app-based program uses a mix of psychology, technology, and personalized coaching to help users make lasting lifestyle changes and achieve their weight loss targets.
    MyFitnessPalThis popular program allows users to monitor their calorie consumption and exercise, establish customized goals, and get encouragement from an online community. While it is used for more than simply weight reduction, many individuals use it to reduce weight and enhance their general health.
    Factor MealsA newer meal delivery service that offers pre-prepared, chef-crafted meals made with fresh ingredients, designed to support healthy eating and convenience.
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